Explain Programmer Humor

by Robert AKA Robin. See all posts. Buy me a ☕.


Looking at programming humor is a good way to become a better programmer:

  1. It's fun.
  2. You encounter new concepts.
  3. A lot of jokes are about things that all coders struggle with. This helps us see that we're not alone. It fights Impostor Syndrome.

I like to explain programmer humor because I like to teach and learn.

Plus, everyone knows explaining a joke makes it funnier.

Summon me on Reddit (/u/robertgfthomas) or e-mail me (contact@robertakarobin.com) if you'd like something explained.


Programmers like to argue

In programming, a function (or method) is a piece of code you can re-use. Usually you put a piece of data into a function, it does something to the data, and spits out a different piece of data.

The analogy I like to use is that a function is like one of those conveyor-belt toasters at Quiznos or some other sandwich place: you put your sandwich on one end, something happens inside the machine, and out the other end comes a toasty sandwich.

If the toaster was a function, you might write it like this:

function toaster(untoastedSandiwch){
  toastedSandwich = makeToasty(untoastedSandwich)
  return toastedSandwich

A lot of programming languages use that mix of parentheses and curly brackets ({ and }) to write functions. But many don’t care how you space things out.

In JavaScript, and many other languages, I could write the above function a bunch of different ways:

function toaster(untoastedSandiwch) {
  toastedSandwich = makeToasty(untoastedSandwich)
  return toastedSandwich

function toaster(untoastedSandiwch)
  toastedSandwich = makeToasty(untoastedSandwich)
  return toastedSandwich

function toaster(untoastedSandiwch)
  {toastedSandwich = makeToasty(untoastedSandwich)
    return toastedSandwich}

function toaster(untoastedSandiwch){toastedSandwich = makeToasty(untoastedSandwich); return toastedSandwich}

A computer would run all of those the exact same way, so there’s not really a “right” way to write functions.

The joke is when there’s no “right” way to do something, programmers like to argue about what is “best.” This comic uses the Mac vs PC meme. The two first guys who use different ways of writing functions would normally be arguing with each other, but arbitrarily gang up on the third guy who uses a slightly-different way of writing functions.

If you see two programmers arguing about something, the more they’re arguing, the less there’s a right answer.

(Source: reddit.com)


git push -f

Git is a piece of software used to track changes to stuff that you write. (It shouldn’t be confused with GitHub, which is one of many websites that use the software.)

When you make some changes to some files, you can “commit” your changes with Git. This creates a log of the changes you made. Git only logs the changes made since your last commit. If you create a 100-line file and commit, the commit will contain all 100 lines. If you then write another 5 lines and commit again, the new commit will contain only 5 lines.

The result is sort-of a timeline of “commits”. Git lets you go back to earlier commits, for example if you don’t like recent changes or can’t remember what changes you made before.

Git also lets you share commits with other people by storing them on sites like GitHub. This way multiple people can work on the same files on the same “timeline”. To do this, you tell your computer to “push” your commits to the website. The command you would write to do this is git push.

Let’s say Alice and Bob work on the same timeline of commits, which is stored on GitHub. Alice makes changes to 5 lines of code pushes a commit. Bob doesn’t know about Alice’s commit, and makes changes to the same 5 lines of code and tries to push a commit. GitHub might reject Bob’s commit push. Alice’s commit says “change these 5 lines after commit 2”, and Bob’s commit also says “change these 5 lines after commit 2”. Git says that commits have to go 1 - 2 - 3, and GitHub already has a commit that goes after 2.

For Git to accept Bob’s commit, he has to “pull” down Alice’s commit from GitHub and then make changes, so his commit says “change these 5 lines after commit 3”.

Alternatively, Bob could send the command git push -f. The ‘f’ is for force. This tells GitHub, “Forget Alice’s commit, and any other ones that might conflict with my commits. Just use mine.” Because force-pushing can throw away other people’s work, it should be used only when you really know what you’re doing.

The joke is programmers (and the people they work for) sometimes value their code more than they value life itself. A dying programmer’s priority might be to get their code onto GitHub at any cost because (1) they’re obsessed with solving the problem they’ve been working on, and/or (2) their code is basically their legacy.

(Source: reddit.com)


Skipping Some Steps

The joke is “newbie” or beginner programmers tend to overestimate their abilities. The steps in the picture represent the usual order in which programmers learn things, with the newbie programmer trying to skip all the basics to jump into something advanced. Let’s break down the steps:

  • A “hello world” program is just about the simplest thing you can code that actually does something: it has the computer spit out the words “hello world” onto the screen. (You can use any words you want but “hello world” is traditional.) If you see those words, you know your code is working. If you don’t, it isn’t. The fact that it usually only take a couple lines of code makes “hello world” a great piece of starter code for new programmers, as well as experienced programmers learning a new piece of technology or starting a new project.

  • OOP is Object-Oriented Programming. Many programming languages let you bundle data and code into objects to help you keep related things organized. For example, a “User” object might contain data like a username, password, and e-mail address, and code that lets you log in and change your password. The learning curve for OOP goes from pretty flat to really steep. It’s kind of like using electricity: you can’t get far in life without knowing how to change the batteries in a flashlight or knowing that you shouldn’t stick a fork in a wall socket, but everything beyond that, like knowing how to connect wires and measure voltage, can feel pretty advanced.

  • Understanding data structures is understanding the different ways programming languages tell the computer to handle and organize data. For example, it makes sense that when you sign up for a Facebook account, Facebook writes your name in a computer somewhere. But how does Facebook handle lists of names, like your account’s “friends”? How does it know which names are your friends and which names are other people’s friends?

  • An algorithm is a list of instructions to take in some data and spit out some other data. For example, subtracting someone’s age from the current year to get the year they were born is an algorithm: regardless of how old someone is, if you follow those steps you’ll always get the year they were born. When you hear “algorithm” you probably think of some fancy equation to forecast the weather or help Google search the web, but they can also be simple.

Different programmers might learn OOP, data, and algorithms in different orders. Each of them goes from being pretty straightforward to super complicated. You don’t need to know everything about one before going to another. But you definitely need to know a good chunk about all of them before going to the last one:

  • ‘AI’ and 'ML’ refer to artificial intelligence and machine learning. They’re different but have a lot of overlap. They also have kind-of “fuzzy” definitions. I’d say AI is the ability of a machine to make a decision without having instructions telling it exactly how to make the decision. ML is the ability of a machine to recognize patterns in data without having instructions telling it exactly how to recognize the patterns. Machine learning can be used to increase a computer’s artificial intelligence.

A good number of people start learning code because they have an idea for a video game, an AI application, or something else shiny and trendy. It’s tempting to skip the basics and go straight into the “interesting” stuff, but it very quickly becomes obvious that won’t work.

(Source: reddit.com)


Russian Roulette

A prod server, or “production server,” is a computer that’s running the “live” version of a website, database, or some other web-based program.

Technically, the server isn’t actually a computer. It’s just one program running on a computer, and is responsible for “listening” for incoming requests for data, and then serving that data. (For example, when you type google.com into your web browser and hit ‘Enter’, you’re requesting the Google website, and then Google serves the website to you.) But most of the time servers live on computers that only run servers, and so people use 'server’ to refer to the whole thing.

In addition to the prod server, programmers will typically have one or more dev servers set up for stuff that’s in development. This gives them a “sandbox” to test out new things with out worrying about messing up what their users and customers are doing.

The last panel of the image shows the shell of a computer, presumably a prod server. The shell is a way of talking to a computer using only text, without having to go through some kind of visual interface. This is what all computers looked like back in the 80s, and you can still use the shell on modern computers, although it might be called something like “Terminal” or “Command Prompt.” Programmers use the shell a lot because, once you’re used to it, it’s much faster and more efficient than clicking around on folders and icons.

The code in the last panel instructs the computer,

Pick a random number between 1 and 6 (technically 0 and 5). If it’s 0, delete everything on the computer. Otherwise, spit out the words “Lucky boy.”

The joke is this is like Russian Roulette – the “game” where you put one bullet in an empty revolver (old-timey handgun), spin the chamber, point the gun at yourself, pull the trigger, and see what happens.

It’s worth mentioning that many computers have failsafes built in to keep you from deleting everything, even if you try to do it in the shell like this. If you did manage it, while it would certainly bring down your app or website or whatever, most programmers have their code in a version control system like Git, which means their code is basically always backed up and so can be re-published.

What’s much trickier is getting your app’s data back. Things like usernames, uploaded files, blog posts, and other kinds of records are not kept in a version control system. If you wipe the computer that stores your data, even if you have things automatically backed up, it’s likely that you would lose a good chunk of data and never be able to recover it.

(Source: reddit.com)


Bug-Free Code

When starting a project, the first thing many programmers do is write some code to make their program spit out a piece of text on the screen. Usually it only takes one or two small lines of code. This is an easy way to make sure a project is set up correctly: if the text shows up it is, and if it doesn’t it isn’t.

Of course you can use any text you want, but “hello world” is traditional.

The joke is is almost all code is “bad”: if you remove all the “bad code” from a project you’ll remove everything that was written after the initial “hello world,” which is so small that you can’t really screw it up.

How is it possible that so much code is “bad”? In the same way that every movie, book, and piece of art has people who think it’s bad. There’s no “right way” to write code that everyone agrees on. They’re called programming languages, and every language gives you lots of ways to express things, some of which people love and some of which people hate.

This is something that surprises a lot of non-programmers, who expect that code either works or doesn’t work, and that’s how you judge whether it’s “good.” Most programmers would say that writing code that just works is a lot easier than writing code that other people can read and understand.

Good code vs bad code


Monte Carlo Tree Search

These images are from the movie ‘Avengers: Infinity War’. One of the “good guys” manipulates time to look into the future and see if they successfully defeat the “bad guys.”

The joke is that “How?” is probably intended to mean, “How did we defeat the bad guys in that one future?” But it’s taken to mean, “How did you find the winning future?” A Monte Carlo tree search, or MCTS, is how a computer scientist or data scientist might do it.

The Monte Carlo method is a way of making predictions that’s a big deal in any field that uses a lot of data and statistics – economics, physics, artifical intelligence, meteorology, etc. It’s named after the famous casino in the South of France, where players might think they’re winning because of skill or chance, but really the house is always winning.

First let’s look at what Monte Carlo isn’t. Let’s say you’re playing Tic Tac Toe against a computer. Whenever you make a move, the computer can calculate every possible sequence of moves that would let the computer win the game. That is, it can simulate every possible way the game could go. The next move it actually makes is the one that leads to a victory in the most simulations. This is an example of a brute-force search, where the computer keeps hammering away until it knows everything that can happen, and you basically can’t win.

There are 255,168 different ways a game of Tic Tac Toe can go. That’s a big number, but not very big for computers. Now let’s say you’re playing Chess against a computer. There’s a near-infinite number of ways a game of Chess can go – actually infinite if you don’t play with the 50-move rule. Even a supercomputer can’t count to infinity, so the brute-force approach won’t work.

But the computer knows two things: (1) There are only so many moves that can be made during one turn of chess, and (2) It doesn’t have to figure out the best possible sequence of moves, it just has to figure out a sequence that’s good enough to beat you.

So, whenever you take a turn, the computer randomly simulates the next couple of moves. It can’t simulate more than a couple moves without running out of memory. But it can simulate several thousand different sequences of a couple moves, and tell which of those sequences are “good” (it doesn’t lose too many pieces and/or takes a lot of yours). The next move it makes is the one that starts the greatest number of “good” sequences.

This is MCTS. Monte Carlo methods are all about randomly simulating what could happen a bunch of times until you have a pretty good idea of what’s most likely to actually happen. It’s can’t give you 100% certainty the way brute-force can, but when you’re trying to predict the weather, or how a stock will perform, or how long a project will take, there’s too much going on to get 100% certainty anyway.

This 'Avengers’ meme jokes that the good guys can win the war against the bad guys by running a Monte Carlo tree search, as if it was a board game. An MCTS might be pretty accurate if your “war” is a game of Chess or Risk, which has strict rules that you have to follow, but real-life war (let alone a fictional Marvel Comics war) has all sorts of people making all sorts of crazy decisions every all the time.

(Source: reddit.com)


Pikachu wearing braces

‘IDE’ stands for integrated development environment. This is a fancy way of saying, “the programs or applications you use to write code.” Visual Studio, Eclipse, and IntelliJ are all popular examples.

A lot of the time when people are talking about IDEs, they’re really talking about text editors. There’s a lot of gray area between them, but difference is mostly that an IDE can run your code, and a text editor can’t. Both come with lots of built-in features to help you write your code, though.

A common feature of text editors is that they insert punctuation for you, namely that they close 'brackets’ or 'braces’ that you’ve opened.

Pretty much all coding languages use different brackets – () {} [] – to do different things. For example, if you’ve seen some HTML, you may have noticed that it uses angle brackets (greater-than/less-than symbols):

<p>This is what a paragraph looks like in HTML.</p>

Even if different brackets do different things in different languages, basically every programming language expects you to close a bracket once you’ve opened it.

The joke is if you type a 'sad’ emoticon :( in your IDE, the IDE will think you’re writing code, and so will automatically insert ) – a close-paren – for you. The result is :(), which looks a little like a surprised Pikachu on its side.

(Source: reddit.com)


One-letter variable names

A variable is a bucket that you put data into and that you write a label on.

For example, here’s some code that asks your age, then tells you whether you’re too old for a kids’ meal:

int userAge = prompt("How old are you?")
if(userAge > 12){
  alert("You're too old for a kids' meal.")
  alert("You can have a kids' meal!")

int userAge = prompt is saying, “Here’s a bucket labeled ‘userAge’ that’s designed to hold an integer. I’m going to put into this bucket whatever the user types in to the prompt.”

Let me write that code a different way:

int a = prompt("How old are you?")
if(a > 12){
  alert("You're too old for a kids' meal.")
  alert("You can have a kids' meal!")

This code does the exact same thing as the earlier code. The name you put on a variable doesn’t make any difference in how it works. A bucket is a bucket. Thus, programmers are often tempted to use single-letter variable names like a, b, c because typing a is faster than typing userAge and it doesn’t affect the code’s performance.

But this makes a huge difference to other people trying to read your code – maybe not so much when your code is only 6 lines long, but definitely when it’s longer. Most programmers agree that writing code that other humans can read is a lot harder and more important than writing code that just works, even if it means your code is longer.

This is why one of the first rules of programming is “don’t use one-letter variable names.” The label you put on a bucket should give you an idea of what’s in the bucket. A variable’s name should tell you what the variable does. userAge tells you much more than a.

The joke is the examples in the image all use variable names that are more than one letter, and so technically follow the rule, but are still useless because they don’t tell you anything about the variables’ data. Instead of using a, b, c, the maths guy uses the Greek alphabet, the pilot uses the NATO phonetic alphabet (in an interesting order), and the teacher uses words you might use to teach the alphabet.

The AI (Artifical Intelligence)uses what looks like a pointer – a number that represents where in a computer’s memory a piece of data is stored, like a street address. The joke is that AI runs on a computer, and computers don’t care about variable names, and this name follows the one-letter rule anyway, so as far as AI is concerned this is a perfectly fine name.

(Source: reddit.com)


Marge Sort

Getting a computer to sort a list of numbers is surprisingly complicated, and there are a zillion different ways to do it. This means mathematicians and computer scientists think that it’s super interesting and spend a lot of time studying, developing, and comparing sorting algorithms. You could spend a whole day just watching YouTube videos of people representing these algorithms in music and dance.

The joke is a play on merge sort, one of the more popular sorting algorithms. At the top of the image you have a bunch of different-sized pictures of Marge Simpson, and at the bottom they’re all in order from smallest to largest. The image is a diagram of how merge sort works.

Explaining sort algorithms is a popular job interview question in the tech industry, so I’ll go into more detail here.

Imagine a bunch of numbers all standing in a line. We want the smallest number to end up on the left, and the biggest number to end up on the right.


A computer using merge sort will split those numbers up into pairs.

25 74 39 86

Then, for each pair, it’ll check if the smaller of the two numbers is on the left. If it’s on the right, the computer will make the numbers switch places.

25 74 39 86
\/ \/ \/ \/
25 47 39 68

Next, the computer will go two pairs at a time to see which pair starts with a smaller number.

25 47 39 68
\__/  \__/

It’ll put those smaller numbers in a new group. This is where the merging begins.

 5 47  9 68

2     3

Then it’ll repeat over what’s left of the pairs, comparing the first two numbers in each one.

 5 47  9 68
 \_/   \_/
2     3

Then it’ll add the smaller numbers on to the new groups.

 5  7  9  8

24    36

Lather, rinse, repeat:

 5  7  9  8
 \__/  \__/
24    36
    7  9  

245   368
2457 3689

Now you have two groups of 4 numbers. The computer will compare the first number of each group:

2457 3689

…and will repeat from there.

 457 3689
 457  689
  57  689
   7  689
   7   89


(Source: reddit.com)


3 wishes, 3 rules… OK, 4 rules.

A computer program is a big series of instructions. A thread is an instance of the computer following instructions in order.

Shouldn’t a computer always follow instructions in order?

Let’s say you wrote a program to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich:

  1. Open bag of bread
  2. Remove two slices of bread from bag
  3. Apply peanut butter to one slice
  4. Apply jelly to other slice
  5. Put slices together

Most of those steps have to go in that order. You can’t “remove two slices of bread from the bag” unless you have an open bag of bread in front of you.

But it doesn’t matter in what order you apply the peanut butter and you apply the jelly. If you’re really good with your hands and good at multitasking, you could do both at the same time and eat your sandwich sooner.

This would be an example of a single thread (following instructions one-at-a-time) splitting into two threads (following two instructions at the same time), then going back to one thread.

Multithreading is the ability of a computer to follow multiple instructions at the same time.

The joke is many programming languages support multithreading, but as nice as it might be, JavaScript doesn’t. This is mostly because JavaScript wasn’t built that way, and trying to add it in now would break a lot of things. It would be great if the US started using the Metric System, too, but if you replaced all the nation’s speed limit signs, measuring cups, and rulers overnight, the next day would be a hot mess.

Plus, multithreading has its downsides. It’s hard to keep one thread from starting or stopping before the other is ready. You know that you shouldn’t put the slices of bread together until both have their toppings, but a robot wouldn’t know that, and might finish the jelly slice first and try to stick it onto the peanut butter slice before it’s ready, causing the bread to get all mangled and jelly to go everywhere. This is an example of a race condition (‘race’ as in 'speed’, not as in 'demographics’).

Multithreading also uses more computing power. I can make a PB&J pretty well, but I don’t have the mental capacity to put peanut butter on one slice and jelly on another at the same time.

(Source: reddit.com)